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Are you aware of what the research, teaching and Governance, Leadership, and Engagement (GLE) requirements are for your academic level? Many people are unsure. You can find the normative criteria for every academic level in the Academic Promotions Procedures (pdf, 287 KB) (Section 4 and Schedule 2).
Crucially, because each discipline is different with different typical output and activity profiles, you need to understand expectations and norms at your school or faculty level. Your AP&D conversations, as well as those with your supervisor, mentor, or Head of School, should help you with this, and if you aren’t sure – just ask.
Well before you apply for promotion, familiarise yourself with the whole process and expectations by visiting the Academic Promotions page (UniKey required).
Set aside a day to methodically work your way through the relevant documents, including the intending applicant checklist, Academic Promotions Policy and Procedures, the Promotion Application Template to be read in conjunction with the Applicant Guidelines, FAQs, and more.
Critically, examine the different streams for promotion: teaching and research, education-focused, research-focused, and GLE-focused (Level D and E only). Also look at the types of evidence required for each case. Examples of evidence can be found in the Applicant Guidelines (pdf, 426 KB) (Section 3) (UniKey required).
If you’re unsure whether you meet the minimum standards required for promotion, seek advice from your relevant supervisor, AP&D advisor or Head of School/Discipline. You should also consult the performance expectations required at each level, found in Section 4 of the Normative Criteria within the Academic Promotions Procedures.
If you don’t meet the expectations, postpone your application and make a plan to address the gaps or areas of weakness in your track record. Make these your short-term career goals and put in place an action plan to address them.
If you believe you do meet the expectations, ensure you consult broadly with senior colleagues to receive feedback on your case. If you decide to apply you will need to lodge a notice of intent with the Academic Promotions Unit. Applicant resources and support, including information about joining a mentoring program can be found on the Promotions intranet page (UniKey required).