Sydney Early-Mid Career Academic Network

<p>Join a community of EMCRs across the University</p>

Sydney Early-Mid Career Academic Network (SEMCAN) is a cross-faculty network run by academics, for academics. We provide the unique perspective of working academics to the University as a whole and the broader community at large. 

Who we are

Supported by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research), we represent the voice of Early-Mid Career Academics (EMCAs) at the University and serve as the bridge between the university central research portfolio leadership team and EMCAs.

Our mission is to help University of Sydney EMCAs connect and thrive through networking and training opportunities. Through our events and activities, we facilitate cross-pollination across faculties, disciplines and contexts.  

What we do

We provide strategic consultation to the University Research Portfolio team on behalf of the university EMCA community. 

For example, our committee were consulted as part of the Strategy 2032 development process for the University, and in developing training for the Sydney Horizon Fellowships.

We also organise and host a range of events to help EMCAs upskill and connect with others. Our signature events and initiatives include:

  • ‘Navigating your career’ workshop, where we help EMCAs find their footing in academia and strategise for a successful career; 
  • SEMCAN Good Mentor Awards, where we acknowledge and celebrate good EMCA mentors; 
  • Viral Bytes, where researchers provide a short overview of their work tailored for social media.




Who we are for

If you identify as an early-mid career academic, then SEMCAN is for you.

We are open to all EMCAs regardless of academic focus (research, teaching, research and teaching) or type of contract (permanent or fixed-term).

However, some of our initiatives may have a specific target for those within 15 years post-doctoral and/or who are appointed at Levels A to D.

The SEMCAN committees

SEMCAN’s activities are carried out with the help of two committees: a Steering Committee and a General Committee.

The Steering Committee (currently six members) includes the two co-chairs and a few elective roles (e.g. treasurer, social secretary) and sets the overall strategy and activities for each year.

The Steering Committee is assisted by the General Committee when it comes to delivering the program of activities for the year. The General Committee spans all faculties across the University, with up to 25 participants selected via an Expression of Interest process or appointment by faculty associate deans of research.

Want to contribute?

SEMCAN is always looking forward to welcoming additional committee members. 

If you are passionate about supporting EMCAs and have the energy and availability to contribute to SEMCAN and serve the university EMCA community, contact:

Find out more
